Wizsler.com Disclaimer

Our website Wizsler.com does not collect any personal data from  users. There are many other types of information that are considered to be personal data under privacy laws:
Email addresses, Shipping addresses, Last names, IP addresses, Birthdates, and so on.

This Web Site is made available for advertising purposes only,
be able to make commissions from affiliated links (e.g. Ebay.com & iTunes.com), be able to post advertisers’ coupons, ads & information that have been authorized & provided to us by businesses or individuals or advertisers. This Web Site will post paid advertisers’ authorized information so users will be able to view of their posting. Some other links are created here for the purpose of being able to give users a quick access to regular common sites that we mostly use everyday.

Any misrepresentation and misunderstanding of products or services of any of our
advertisers that they may or will offer or made,
it will be the product or service provider’s (advertisers) responsibility for whatever damage they or it might have caused.

When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network.

Wizsler.com   |  support@wizsler.com  


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